"You now know in the time that it takes you to read this sentence up to this point most attacks have begun and ended." Gavin De Becker - " Just 2 Seconds"
Our agents are disciplined professionals who possess the most important skill - threat avoidance. We understand that risk mitigation will always beat risk management. The real goal of protective services is not just to remove your client from the potential line of attack but from the line of a potential adversary's attention. Thus, our agents focus on a disciplined approach to protection featuring threat assessments, risk analysis and the appropriate resource allocation.
While our goal is always to allow you to move as freely and unrestricted within the limitations of the assignment, we realize the possibility for an unwelcome encounter. In the unfortunate situation where a threat is encountered our agents are trained in a multitude of countermeasures.

Our agents are committed to their craft, and subscribe to the code of loyalty, discipline, and humility. We don't believe in sabre rattling, and overt displays of force. Attitude and aggression are for amateurs; and they don't dissuade motivated attackers, they just put your image and company's brand at risk. We learned a long time ago that lions don't roar when they hunt. We understand that your safety, your image, and your company's brand must all equally be protected. Two of the greatest skills our agents incorporate in every detail will always be courtesy and diplomacy as respect is a universal code accepted around the world and a fundamental tenet of collaboration or de-escalation. You may find yourself on the news for something you do, however you will never find yourself on the news for something we do.